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Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics ESCI JST JCR:Q2
发文量 3,109
被引量 7,120
影响因子(2023) 0.972

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematicsis is an international peer-reviewed journal. The journal covers mathematical topics associated with the name of famous Russian mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky (Lobachevskii). The journal publishes research articles on geometry and topology, algebra, complex analysis, functional analysis, differential equations and mathematical physics, probability theory and stochastic processes, computational mathematics, mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes, computer science, optimal control, and theory of algorithms as well as applied mathematics. The journal welcomes manuscripts from all countries in the English language. PEER REVIEW Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics is a peer reviewed journal. We use a double blind peer review format. The average period from submission to first decision is 30 days. The average rejection rate for submitted manuscripts is 50%. The final decision on the acceptance of an article for publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board. Any invited reviewer who feels unqualified or unable to review the manuscript due to the conflict of interests should promptly notify the editors and decline the invitation. Reviewers should formulate their statements clearly in a sound and reasoned way so that authors can use reviewer’s arguments to improve the manuscript. Personal criticism of the authors must be avoided. Reviewers should indicate in a review (i) any relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors, (ii) anything that has been reported in previous publications and not given appropriate reference or citation, (ii) any substantial similarity or overlap with any other manuscript (published or unpublished) of which they have personal knowledge.

  • 出版周期: 双月刊
  • 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 1995-0802
  • 创刊时间: 1998年
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