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CIRP, The International Academy for Production Engineering, was founded in 1951 to promote, by scientific research, the development of all aspects of manufacturing technology covering the optimization, control and management of processes, machines and systems. This biannual ISI cited journal contains approximately 140 refereed technical and keynote papers. Subject areas covered include: Assembly, Cutting, Design, Electro-Physical and Chemical Processes, Forming, Abrasive processes, Surfaces, Machines, Production Systems and Organizations, Precision Engineering and Metrology, Life-Cycle Engineering, Microsystems Technology (MST), Nanotechnology. Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more.
vol.73.0 (2024)
vol.73 (2024)
vol.72 (2023)
vol.71 (2022)
vol.70 (2021)
vol.69 (2020)
vol.20 (2020)
vol.68 (2019)
vol.19 (2019)
vol.67 (2018)
vol.18 (2018)
vol.66 (2017)
vol.17 (2017)
vol.65 (2016)
vol.16 (2016)
vol.64 (2015)
vol.15 (2015)
vol.63 (2014)
vol.14 (2014)
vol.62 (2013)
vol.13 (2013)
vol.61 (2012)
vol.12 (2012)
vol.60 (2011)
vol.11 (2011)
vol.60 (2010)
vol.59 (2010)
vol.10 (2010)
vol.58 (2009)
vol.9 (2009)
vol.57 (2008)
vol.56 (2007)
vol.55 (2006)
vol.54 (2005)
vol.53 (2004)
vol.52 (2003)
vol.51 (2002)
vol.50 (2001)
vol.49 (2000)
vol.48 (1999)
vol.47 (1998)
vol.46 (1997)
vol.45 (1996)
vol.44 (1995)
vol.43 (1994)
vol.42 (1993)
vol.41 (1992)
vol.40 (1991)
vol.39 (1990)
vol.38 (1989)
vol.37 (1988)
vol.36 (1987)
vol.35 (1986)
vol.34 (1985)
vol.33 (1984)
vol.32 (1983)
vol.31 (1982)
vol.30 (1981)
vol.29 (1980)
vol.28 (1979)
vol.27 (1978)
vol.25 (1976)
vol.22 (1973)
vol.25 (1964)