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ICT is the first journal to spearhead and focus on a new and growing movement in cancer treatment. The journal emphasizes scientific understanding of alternative medicine and traditional medicine therapies, and their responsible integration with conventional health care. Integrative care includes therapeutic interventions in diet, lifestyle, exercise, stress care, and nutritional supplements, as well as experimental vaccines, chrono-chemotherapy, and other advanced treatments. Contributors are leading oncologists, researchers, nurses, and health-care professionals.
vol.17 (2018)
vol.16 (2017)
vol.15 (2016)
vol.14 (2015)
vol.13 (2014)
vol.12 (2013)
vol.11 (2012)
vol.10 (2011)
vol.9 (2010)
vol.8 (2009)
vol.7 (2008)
vol.6 (2007)
vol.5 (2006)
vol.4 (2005)
vol.3 (2004)
vol.2 (2003)
vol.1 (2003)
vol.1 (2002)
Guo, GeZhou, JuhuaYang, XiaogaungFeng, JiangShao, YanxiaJia, TingtingHuang, QingrongLi, YanminZhong, YinNagarkatti, Prakash S.Nagarkatti, Mitzi