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Environmental Monitoring and Assessment EI PubMed AJ SCIE CA JST JCR:Q3 中科院4区
发文量 17,606
被引量 332,507
影响因子(2023) 3.136

Covers design and development of monitoring systems Describes methods and procedures for pollution risk assessment Examines the synthesis of monitoring data with toxicological, epidemiological and health data Managing Editor: G. Bruce Wiersma, College of Natural Resources, Forestry, and Agriculture, University of Maine, USA Environmental Monitoring and Assessment discusses technical developments and data arising from environmental monitoring and assessment, principles in the design of monitoring systems, and the use of monitoring data in assessing the consequences of natural resource management and pollution risks. The journal examines monitoring systems designed to estimate exposure both at the individual and population levels, and also focuses on the development of monitoring systems related to the management of various renewable natural resources in, for instance, agriculture, fisheries and forests. Coverage extends to the use of monitoring in pollution assessment, and particular emphasis is given to the synthesis of monitoring data with toxicological, epidemiological and health data, as well as with pre-market screening results. High quality research papers or reviews dealing with any aspect of environmental monitoring are encouraged. However, papers should not be submitted that do not advance scientific knowledge on environmental monitoring issues. Articles that simply replicate known knowledge or techniques and do not add anything new or unique to the science will normally be rejected. The Editor-in-Chief is Dr. G. Bruce Wiersma, Center for Research on Sustainable Forests, University of Maine, USA. As only the Editor-in-Chief can decide at submission whether an article is suitable for consideration in the journal, if the author has reviewed the 'Aims and Scope' and feels that it falls within the description, please submit the article following the normal procedures. If the article is deemed u nsuitable, the author will be informed. The journal publishes original research papers, review papers and topical collections. General Details on the Submission and Publication Procedures: -No Page Charges -All articles will have free color online and in print.

  • 主办单位: SPRINGER
  • 出版地区: Netherlands
  • 出版周期: 连续出版
  • 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 0167-6369
  • 创刊时间: 1981年
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