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Food Science and Biotechnology EI PubMed AJ SCIE CA JST JCR:Q3 中科院3区
发文量 4,993
被引量 54,632
影响因子(2023) 3.394

The Food Science and Biotechnology (Food Sci. Biotechnol.; FSB), an international journal published monthly by the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (KoSFoST), provides results of original research on the physical, chemical, biological, and health aspects of food science and technology, and a review related to food science and biotechnology. FSB has been covered in Current Contents and Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) from 2003. FSB has been also indexed by SCOPUS from September, 2008. Submission of Manuscript FSB operates an on-line submission system. Details of how to submit online and full author instructions can be found at: http://www.fsnb.or.kr/. All manuscripts are subject to double-blinded peer review for the validity of the experimental design and results, significance, and appropriateness for the FSB. The author may submit the names and affiliations of 3-4 potential reviewers, including their email addresses and telephone numbers; however, the Editor-in-Chief is not under obligation to select the suggested referees for reviewing the manuscript. Typically, 2 reviewers are assigned to review each article. Review process is handled by responsible editor for each manuscript. The author will be informed the final decision by the Editor-in-Chief. Papers in a series are not accepted. Membership in KoSFoST is not a prerequisite for submission of manuscript for publication. Why publish with us We are an international peer-reviewed journal published by the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology. We provide a high visibility platform for your work, with over 113,000 article downloads in 2019. We welcome submissions on food chemistry and analysis for compositional and physiological activity changes, food hygiene and toxicology, food microbiology and biotechnology, and food engineering involved in processing. Our expert editorial team provides attractive turnaround times, averaging 26 days from submission to first decision.

  • 出版地区: South Korea
  • 出版周期: 双月刊
  • 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 1226-7708
  • 创刊时间: 1992年
  • 曾用名: Foods and biotechnology
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