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The journal Qualitative Sociology is dedicated to the qualitative interpretation and analysis of social life. The journal offers both theoretical and analytical research, and publishes manuscripts based on research methods such as interviewing, participant observation, ethnography, historical analysis, content analysis and others which do not rely primarily on numerical data. All papers are reviewed. Focuses on the qualitative interpretation and analysis of social life Presents research using methods which do not rely primarily on numerical data
vol.47 (2024)
vol.47 (2023)
vol.46 (2023)
vol.46 (2022)
vol.45 (2022)
vol.45 (2021)
vol.44 (2021)
vol.44 (2020)
vol.43 (2020)
vol.42 (2019)
vol.41 (2018)
vol.40 (2017)
vol.39 (2016)
vol.38 (2015)
vol.37 (2014)
vol.36 (2013)
vol.35 (2012)
vol.35 (2011)
vol.34 (2011)
vol.33 (2010)
vol.32 (2009)
vol.31 (2008)
vol.30 (2007)
vol.29 (2006)
vol.28 (2005)
vol.27 (2004)
vol.26 (2003)
vol.25 (2002)
vol.24 (2001)
vol.23 (2000)
vol.22 (1999)
vol.21 (1998)
vol.20 (1997)
vol.19 (1996)
vol.18 (1995)
vol.17 (1994)
vol.16 (1993)
vol.15 (1992)
vol.14 (1991)
vol.13 (1990)
vol.12 (1989)
vol.11 (1988)
vol.10 (1987)
vol.9 (1986)
vol.8 (1985)
vol.7 (1984)
vol.6 (1983)
vol.5 (1982)
vol.4 (1981)
vol.3 (1980)
vol.2 (1980)
vol.2 (1979)
vol.1 (1978)