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Renal Failure is an open access journal that publishes on acute renal injury and its consequences.The primary focus of Renal Failure is acute kidney injury (AKI). This includes the basic sciences and those derived from human studies on the subject. There is a critical need to support the drive for research in this field. The high mortality of AKI in the critically ill is unacceptable. The journal aims to publish methods that have demonstrated improved outcomes of AKI in the critically ill and related research.
vol.46 (2024)
vol.45 (2023)
vol.44 (2022)
vol.43 (2021)
vol.43 (2020)
vol.42 (2020)
vol.41 (2019)
vol.40 (2019)
vol.40 (2018)
vol.40 (2017)
vol.39 (2017)
vol.38 (2016)
vol.37 (2015)
vol.36 (2014)
vol.35 (2013)
vol.34 (2012)
vol.33 (2011)
vol.32 (2010)
vol.31 (2009)
vol.30 (2008)
vol.29 (2007)
vol.28 (2006)
vol.27 (2005)
vol.26 (2004)
vol.25 (2003)
vol.24 (2002)
vol.23 (2001)
vol.22 (2000)
vol.21 (1999)
vol.20 (1998)
vol.19 (1997)
vol.18 (1996)
vol.17 (1995)
vol.16 (1994)
vol.15 (1993)
vol.14 (1992)
vol.13 (1991)
vol.12 (1990)
vol.11 (1990)
vol.11 (1989)
vol.10 (1988)
vol.10 (1987)
vol.9 (1985)
vol.8 (1984)
vol.7 (1983)
vol.6 (1982)
vol.5 (1981)
vol.4 (1980)
vol.3 (1979)
vol.2 (1978)
vol.1 (1977)
vol.1 (1976)
Zhang, TaoZhou, ZijunZhou, QianyiLi, JieZhang, ZhiweiCao, ShiliYang, BoShao, Qingmiao
Jiang, HuiLan, XiaofengZhou, LinmengXie, Xiang
Cheng, YaChiSung, FungChangMuo, ChihHsinHsu, ChihChengTsai, WenChenHsu, YuehHan
Liao, RuoxiZhou, XueliLiu, XiaHe, XueqinPu, LiMa, DengyanZhong, Hui
Chen, BoxiFang, QiyingTao, YimingPeng, SiqiDeng, ShutingYuan, YeJiang, NanWen, SichunLi, BohouWu, QiongZhao, ZewenGe, PingjiangLi, SijiaLin, TingFeng, ZhonglinWen, FengFu, LeiLi, ZhuoWen, JiaHuang, RenweiHe, ChaoshengWang, WenjianKe, GuibaoXu, LixiaLiu, ShuangxinMa, Jianchao
Zhang, YongHu, XiangYangYang, ShiYunHu, YingChunDuan, Kai