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The aim of the International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics is to contribute to intersciences coupling applied electromagnetics, mechanics and materials. The journal also intends to stimulate the further development of current technology in industry. The main subjects covered by the journal are: Physics and mechanics of electromagnetic materials and devices Computational electromagnetics in materials and devices Applications of electromagnetic fields and materials The three interrelated key subjects – electromagnetics, mechanics and materials - include the following aspects: electromagnetic NDE, electromagnetic machines and devices, electromagnetic materials and structures, electromagnetic fluids, magnetoelastic effects and magnetosolid mechanics, magnetic levitations, electromagnetic propulsion, bioelectromagnetics, and inverse problems in electromagnetics. The editorial policy is to combine information and experience from both the latest high technology fields and as well as the well-established technologies within applied electromagnetics.
vol.76 (2024)
vol.75 (2024)
vol.74 (2024)
vol.1 (2024)
vol.73 (2023)
vol.72 (2023)
vol.71 (2023)
vol.73 (2022)
vol.71 (2022)
vol.70 (2022)
vol.69 (2022)
vol.68 (2022)
vol.67 (2021)
vol.66 (2021)
vol.65 (2021)
vol.64 (2020)
vol.63 (2020)
vol.62 (2020)
vol.62 (2019)
vol.61 (2019)
vol.60 (2019)
vol.59 (2019)
vol.60 (2018)
vol.59 (2018)
vol.58 (2018)
vol.57 (2018)
vol.56 (2018)
vol.-1 (2018)
vol.56 (2017)
vol.55 (2017)
vol.54 (2017)
vol.53 (2017)
vol.Preprint (2016)
vol.54 (2016)
vol.53 (2016)
vol.52 (2016)
vol.51 (2016)
vol.50 (2016)
vol.49 (2015)
vol.48 (2015)
vol.47 (2015)
vol.47 (2014)
vol.46 (2014)
vol.45 (2014)
vol.44 (2014)
vol.44 (2013)
vol.43 (2013)
vol.42 (2013)
vol.41 (2013)
vol.40 (2012)
vol.39 (2012)
vol.38 (2012)
vol.42 (2011)
vol.37 (2011)
vol.36 (2011)
vol.35 (2011)
vol.34 (2010)
vol.33 (2010)
vol.32 (2010)
vol.33 (2009)
vol.31 (2009)
vol.30 (2009)
vol.29 (2009)
vol.28 (2008)
vol.27 (2008)
vol.27 (2007)
vol.26 (2007)
vol.25 (2007)
vol.24 (2006)
vol.23 (2006)
vol.22 (2005)
vol.21 (2005)
vol.20 (2004)
vol.19 (2004)
vol.19 (2003)
vol.18 (2003)
vol.17 (2003)
vol.16 (2002)
vol.13 (2002)
vol.15 (2001)
vol.14 (2001)
vol.13 (2001)
vol.12 (2000)
vol.11 (2000)
vol.10 (1999)
vol.9 (1998)
vol.11 (1997)
vol.8 (1997)
vol.7 (1996)
vol.6 (1995)