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Patient Education and Counseling SSCI PubMed AJ SCIE 中科院2区 JCR:Q1 JCR:Q2
发文量 10,782
被引量 238,082
影响因子(2023) 2.381

Patient Education and Counseling is an interdisciplinary, international journal for patient education and health promotion researchers, managers and clinicians. The journal seeks to explore and elucidate the educational, counseling and communication models in health care. Its aim is to provide a forum for fundamental as well as applied research, and to promote the study of organizational issues involved with the delivery of patient education, counseling, health promotion services and training models in improving communication between providers and patients. Patient Education and Counseling is the official journal of the International Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH) and the Academy of Communication in Healthcare (ACH). Manuscript Submission The journal welcomes unsolicited manuscripts related to the field of patient education, counseling and clinical health promotion and communication in medicine. During submission, authors can select a category from the list below. The type of manuscript should be indicated in the cover letter. Original Articles - Preference is given to empirical research which examines such topics as adherence to therapeutic regimens, provider-patient communication, patient participation in health care, degree of social support, decision-making skills, anxiety, physiological changes, or health/functional status. Maximum 4000 words. Please note that manuscript wordcounts EXCLUDE the following in the count: Abstract, acknowledgements, references, tables, figures, conflict of interest statements. Both descriptive and intervention studies are acceptable.? Review Articles (Current Perspectives) - In-depth reviews of the empirical research in one facet of the patient education and counseling including an analytical discussion of contemporary issues and controversies in patient education and counseling (maximum 5000 words not including references and tables). Educational Model of Health Care - Case studies of innovative programs which exemplify the educational model of health care, for example, self-care groups, patient advocacy efforts, medication self administration programs and co-operative care units (maximum 2000 words not including references and tables). Short Communications - in any of the above categories will also be considered (maximum 1500 words not including references and tables). Reflective practice - The Reflective Practice section includes papers about personal or professional experiences that provide a lesson applicable to caring, humanism, and relationship in health care. We welcome unsolicited manuscripts. No abstract is needed. No (section) headings, no numbering. Maximum 1500 words. First name and surname of the author and his/her institution affiliation address, telephone and fax number and e-mail address where the corresponding author can be contacted, title of the papers and text. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by two reviewers. For further information on the Reflective Practice section see: Hatem D, Rider EA. Sharing stories: narrative medicine in an evidence-based world. Patient Education and Counseling 2004; 54:251-253.? Medical Education - Articles on medical education focus on educational efforts that target experiences, programmes and educational research on the teaching/training and evaluation of interpersonal/communication skills of health care providers and their attitudes and skills needed for optimal communication. Please submit your article via https://www.editorialmanager.com/PEC/default.aspx

  • 出版周期: 月刊
  • 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 0738-3991
  • 创刊时间: 1978年
  • 曾用名: Patient Counselling and Health Education
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