
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders PubMed AJ SCIE 中科院2区 JCR:Q1 JCR:Q2
发文量 690
被引量 19,299
影响因子(2023) 4.255

Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders is an open access journal that integrates current, cutting-edge research across a number of disciplines, including neurobiology, genetics, cognitive neuroscience, psychiatry and psychology. The journal’s primary focus is on the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders including autism, fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, Turner Syndrome, 22q Deletion Syndrome, Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndrome, Williams syndrome, lysosomal storage diseases, dyslexia, specific language impairment and fetal alcohol syndrome. With the discovery of specific genes underlying neurodevelopmental syndromes, the emergence of powerful tools for studying neural circuitry, and the development of new approaches for exploring molecular mechanisms, interdisciplinary research on the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders is now increasingly common. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders provides a unique venue for researchers interested in comparing and contrasting mechanisms and characteristics related to the pathogenesis of the full range of neurodevelopmental disorders, sharpening our understanding of the etiology and relevant phenotypes of each condition.

  • 主办单位: BMC
  • 出版周期: 连续出版
  • 别名: 神经发育障碍杂志
  • 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 1866-1947
  • 创刊时间: 2009年
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    • Sadhwani, AnjaliPowers, SonyaWheeler, AnneMiller, HillaryPotter, Sarah NelsonPeters, Sarika U.Bacino, Carlos A.Skinner, Steven A.Wink, Logan K.Erickson, Craig A.Bird, Lynne M.Tan, WenHann

    • Levy, TessGluckman, JacobSiper, Paige M.Halpern, DanielleZweifach, JessicaFilipDhima, RajnaHolder Jr, J. LloydTrelles, M. PilarJohnson, KristinaBernstein, Jonathan A.BerryKravis, ElizabethPowell, Craig M.Soorya, Latha ValluripalliThurm, AudreyBuxbaum, Joseph D.Sahin, MustafaKolevzon, AlexanderSrivastava, Siddharth

    • Farmani, ReyhaneMehrpour, OmidKooshki, AlirezaNakhaee, Samaneh

    • GlebovMcCloud, Alexander G. P.Saide, Walter S.Gaine, Marie E.Strack, Stefan

    • Peterson, MadelinePrigge, Molly B. D.Floris, Dorothea L.Bigler, Erin D.Zielinski, Brandon A.King, Jace B.Lange, NicholasAlexander, Andrew L.Lainhart, Janet E.Nielsen, Jared A.

    • Hagenaar, Doesjka A.Bindelsde Heus, Karen G. C. B.van Gils, Maud M.van den Berg, Louiseten Hoopen, Leontine W.Affourtit, PhilinePel, Johan J. M.Joosten, Koen F. M.Hillegers, Manon H. J.Moll, Henriette A.de Wit, MarieClaire Y.Dieleman, Gwen C.Mous, Sabine E.

    • Morinaga, MakiAhlqvist, Viktor H.Lundberg, MichaelHollander, AnnaClaraRai, DheerajMagnusson, Cecilia

    • Vuocolo, BlakeSierra, RobertaBrooks, DanielHolder, ChristopherUrbanski, LaurenRodriguez, KeilaGamez, Jose DavidMulukutla, Surya NarayanHernandez, AnaAllegre, AlbertoHidalgo, HumbertoRodriguez, SarahMagallan, SandyGibson, JeremyBernini, Juan CarlosWatson, MelanieNelson, RobertMellinSanchez, LizbethGarcia, NancyBerry, LoriDai, HongzhengSolerAlfonso, ClaudiaCarter, KentLee, BrendanLalani, Seema R.

    • WrenJarvis, JamiePowers, RachelLazerwitz, Maia C.Xiao, JaclynCai, Lanya T.Choi, Hannah L.BrandesAitken, AnnieChu, RobynTrimarchi, Kaitlyn J.Garcia, Rafael D.Rowe, Mikaela A.Steele, Mary C.Marco, Elysa J.Mukherjee, Pratik

    • Mottolese, NicolaLoi, ManuelaTrazzi, StefaniaTassinari, MariannaUguagliati, BeatriceCandini, GiuliaIqbal, KhalidMedici, GiorgioCiani, Elisabetta

    • May, DamianKponeeShovein, KaleNeul, Jeffrey L.Percy, Alan K.Mahendran, MalenaDownes, NathanielChen, GraceWatson, TalissaPichard, Dominique C.Kennedy, MelissaLefebvre, Patrick

    • Washington, Aurora M.Mercer, Amanda H.Burrows, Catherine A.Dager, Stephen R.Elison, Jed T.Estes, Annette M.Grzadzinski, RebeccaLee, ChimeiPiven, JosephPruett, John R.Shen, Mark D.Wilfond, BenjaminWolff, JasonZwaigenbaum, LonnieMacDuffie, Katherine E.

    • Feller, ClemenceIlen, LauraEliez, StephanSchneider, Maude

    • Botero, ValentinaTomchik, Seth M.

    • Bednarczuk, NadjaHousby, HarrietLee, Irene O.Skuse, DavidWolstencroft, Jeanne

    • Foti, FrancescaCostanzo, FlorianaFabrizio, CarloTermine, AndreaMenghini, DenyIaquinta, TizianaVicari, StefanoPetrosini, LauraBlake, Peter R.

    • Chen, IChunChang, CheLunChang, MengHanKo, LiWei

    • Schaffer, LukasRau, SrishtiLarsen, Isabella G.Clasen, LivWarling, AllysaWhitman, Ethan T.Nadig, AjayMcDermott, CassidyXenophontos, AnastasiaWilson, KathleenBlumenthal, JonathanTorres, ErinRaznahan, Armin

    • Fadeev, Kirill A.Reyes, Ilacai V. RomeroGoiaeva, Dzerassa E.Obukhova, Tatiana S.Ovsiannikova, Tatiana M.Prokofyev, Andrey O.Rytikova, Anna M.Novikov, Artem Y.Kozunov, Vladimir V.Stroganova, Tatiana A.Orekhova, Elena V.

    • Mosconi, Matthew W.Stevens, Cassandra J.Unruh, Kathryn E.Shafer, RobinElison, Jed T.

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