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Preventing School Failure provides a forum in which to examine critically emerging and evidence-based practices that are both data driven and practical for children and youth in general and alternative education systems. Authors are afforded the opportunity to discuss and debate critical and sometimes controversial issues that affect the education of children and adolescents in various settings. Preventing School Failure is a peer-reviewed academic journal for administrators, educators, mental health workers, juvenile justice and corrections personnel, day and residential treatment personnel, staff-development specialists, teacher educators, and others. Our goal is to share authoritative and timely information with a wide-ranging audience dedicated to serving children and adolescents in general education, special education, and alternative education programs.We accept for review manuscripts that contain critical and integrated literature reviews, objective program evaluations, evidence-based strategies and procedures, program descriptions, and policy-related content. As appropriate, manuscripts should contain enough detail that readers are able to put useful or innovative strategies or procedures into practice.