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eco.mont offers a platform specifically for scientists and practitioners working in and on protected mountain areas in Europe and overseas.Target audiences of the journal are scientists from all related disciplines, managers of protected areas and an interested public including practitioners, visitors, teachers, etc.
vol.16 (2024)
vol.15 (2023)
vol.14 (2022)
vol.13 (2021)
vol.42 (2020)
vol.13 (2020)
vol.12 (2020)
vol.41 (2019)
vol.11 (2019)
vol.40 (2018)
vol.10 (2018)
vol.39 (2017)
vol.9 (2017)
vol.38 (2016)
vol.8 (2016)
vol.37 (2015)
vol.7 (2015)
vol.36 (2014)
vol.6 (2014)
vol.5 (2014)
vol.35 (2013)
vol.5 (2013)
vol.34 (2012)
vol.4 (2012)
vol.33 (2011)
vol.3 (2011)
vol.32 (2010)
vol.2 (2010)
vol.31 (2009)
vol.1 (2009)
vol.30 (2008)
vol.29 (2007)
vol.28 (2006)
vol.27 (2005)
vol.26 (2004)
vol.25 (2003)
vol.24 (2002)
vol.23 (2001)
vol.22 (2000)
vol.21 (1999)
vol.20 (1998)
vol.19 (1997)
vol.18 (1996)
vol.17 (1995)
vol.16 (1994)
vol.15 (1993)
vol.14 (1992)
vol.13 (1991)
vol.12 (1990)
vol.11 (1989)