
Austral Ecology PubMed AJ SCIE JCR:Q3 中科院4区
发文量 3,389
被引量 60,826
影响因子(2023) 1.738

Austral Ecology is the premier journal for basic and applied ecology in the Southern Hemisphere. As the official Journal of The Ecological Society of Australia (ESA), Austral Ecology addresses the commonality between ecosystems in Australia and many parts of southern Africa, South America, New Zealand and Oceania. For example many species in the unique biotas of these regions share common Gondwana ancestors. ESA's aim is to publish innovative research to encourage the sharing of information and experiences that enrich the understanding of the ecology of the Southern Hemisphere. Austral Ecology involves an editorial board with representatives from Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Brazil and Argentina. These representatives provide expert opinions, access to qualified reviewers and act as a focus for attracting a wide range of contributions from countries across the region. Austral Ecology publishes original papers describing experimental, observational or theoretical studies on terrestrial, marine or freshwater systems, which are considered without taxonomic bias. Special thematic issues are published regularly, including symposia on the ecology of estuaries and soft sediment habitats, freshwater systems and coral reef fish.

  • 主办单位: WILEY
  • 出版地区: Australia
  • 出版周期: 双月刊
  • 别名: 南方生态学
  • 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 1442-9985
  • 创刊时间: 1976年
  • 曾用名: Australian journal of ecology
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    • Vincent, James D.Mihailou, HelennaMassaro, Melanie

    • Furtado, Samyra GomesBarbosa, Daniel Elias FerreiraMenini Neto, Luiz

    • EntiauspeNeto, Omar M.Dervanoski, DarlanAbegg, Arthur Diesel

    • Sanders, EmmalieWassens, SkyeTurner, James M.Michael, Damian R.

    • Lee, KoHuanBlyton, Michaela D. J.Godfrey, Stephanie S.Sih, AndrewGardner, Michael G.Whiting, Martin J.Leu, Stephan T.

    • Gonsalves, LeroyLaw, BradBrassil, TraeceyO'Loughlin, ChristopherKerr, Isobel

    • Almena, Martin PereyraFerreras, Ana E.Giorgis, Melisa A.

    • Perger, Robert

