- 充值
- 帮助
Multiphase flows; Pumps; Aerodynamics; Boundary layers; Bubbly flows; Cavitation; Compressible flows; Convective heat/mass transfer as it is affected by fluid flow; Duct and pipe flows; Free shear layers; Flows in biological systems; Fluid-structure interaction; Fluid transients and wave motion; Jets; Naval hydrodynamics; Sprays; Stability and transition; Turbulence wakes microfluidics and other fundamental/applied fluid mechanical phenomena and processes
vol.146.0 (2024)
vol.146 (2024)
vol.149 (2023)
vol.145 (2023)
vol.144 (2022)
vol.143 (2021)
vol.142 (2020)
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vol.140 (2018)
vol.139 (2017)
vol.99 (2017)
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vol.56 (1934)