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Articles published in The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences encompass a broad range of research topics in animal health and production related to cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, camel, equines, pig, rabbit, yak, mithun, poultry and fisheries. Studies involving wildlife species and laboratory animal species that address fundamental questions about their biology will also be considered for publication. All manuscripts must present some new development and must be original, timely, significant and scientifically excellent. Papers will be rejected if standards of care of, or procedures performed on animals are not up to those expected of humane veterinary scientists. At a minimum, standards must meet the International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research involving Animals, as issued by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences. (C.I.O.M.S., c/o WHO, CH 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland). Articles reporting new animal disease must follow GOI directive as given in detail in Guidelines to Authors.
vol.48 (1978)
vol.47 (1977)
vol.46 (1977)
vol.45 (1977)
vol.46 (1976)
vol.45 (1975)
vol.44 (1974)
vol.43 (1974)
vol.43 (1973)
vol.42 (1972)
vol.41 (1971)