
Hernia PubMed AJ SCIE JST 中科院2区 JCR:Q1
发文量 4,504
被引量 66,170
影响因子(2023) 2.644

Hernia was founded in 1997 by Jean P. Chevrel with the purpose of promoting clinical studies and basic research as they apply to groin hernias and the abdominal wall . Since that time, a true revolution in the field of hernia studies has transformed the field from a ”simple” disease to one that is very specialized. While the majority of surgeries for primary inguinal and abdominal wall hernia are performed in hospitals worldwide, complex situations such as multi recurrences, complications, abdominal wall reconstructions and others are being studied and treated in specialist centers. As a result, major institutions and societies are creating specific parameters and criteria to better address the complexities of hernia surgery. Hernia is a journal written by surgeons who have made abdominal wall surgery their specific field of interest, but we will consider publishing content from any surgeon who wishes to improve the science of this field. The Journal aims to ensure that hernia surgery is safer and easier for surgeons as well as patients, and provides a forum to all surgeons in the exchange of new ideas, results, and important research that is the basis of professional activity. Hernia is a rigorously peer reviewed journal that regularly publishes specific topical issues and collections in addition to original articles, and is affiliated with the European Hernia Society (EHS), with the Asia-Pacific Hernia Society (APHS), and the American Hernia Society (AHS). Advances clinical studies and basic research applied to groin hernias, internal hernias, the abdominal wall, the diaphragm and the perineum Written by surgeons for surgeons and other medical professionals 100% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again

  • 主办单位: SPRINGER
  • 出版周期: 双月刊
  • 别名: 疝:疝与腹壁外科杂志
  • 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 1265-4906
  • 创刊时间: 1997年
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    • Ellis, Ryan C.Maskal, Sara M.Bertke, Alexanderde Figueiredo, Sergio Mazzola PoliWoo, Kimberly P.Fafaj, AldoMesser, NirRemulla, DaphneKrpata, David M.Miller, Benjamin T.Beffa, Lucas R. A.Petro, Clayton C.Prabhu, Ajita S.Rosen, Michael J.

    • Maskal, Sara M.Al Marzooqi, RahaMali, OuenHuang, LiChingEllis, Ryan C.Woo, KimberlyRemulla, DaphneMiller, Benjamin T.Beffa, Lucas R. A.Petro, Clayton C.Prabhu, Ajita S.Rosen, Michael J.

    • Jin, CuihongFan, WangShen, Yingmo

    • Valorenzos, AlexandrosNielsen, Kristian AlsInan, IhsanPedersen, Andreas KristianPetersen, Sofie RonjaEllebaek, Mark BremholmAlnabhan, Ayat AllahHelligso, PerDorfelt, AllanNielsen, Michael Festersen

    • Rasador, Ana Caroline Diasda Silveira, Carlos Andre BalthazarLech, Gabriele Eckerdtde Lima, Bruno VeronezLima, Diego LaurentinoMalcher, Flavio

    • Duan, KunJin, ChaoYang, RongchaoZhang, WeiHui, Hui

    • Mehta, RachanaSah, RanjanaKumar, Shubham

    • Abdou, Marwan EmadAbokhozima, AhmedElMasry, HassanZidan, Mohamed H.

    • van den Berg, R.Hartog, F. P. J. denMenon, A. G.Tanis, P. J.Gillion, J. F.

    • Jayamanne, HarshaStephenson, Brian M.

    • Zhu, ChenxiShen, YuWang, LiluGu, YuyangYu, XingWu, LinaGu, YechunXu, Hongbo

    • Dadhwal, Uday Singh

    • Maskal, Sara M.Brooks, Nicole E.Ellis, Ryan C.MellandSmith, MeganMesser, NirMiller, Benjamin T.Beffa, Lucas R. A.Petro, Clayton C.Prabhu, Ajita S.Rosen, Michael J.

    • Arhos, Elanna K.Kosa, FaithHuang, LiChingPoulose, Benjamin K.Chaudhari, Ajit M. W.Di Stasi, Stephanie

    • Sousa, Augusto Graziani eBertolino, Enrico PrajianteGodoi, Amandade Mesquita, Cynthia FlorencioQuisiguina, Stalin Isaias Canizaresde Figueiredo, Sergio Mazzola Poli

    • BellidoLuque, JuanAlpizar, OscarRosado, Juan Carlos GomezMenchero, Julio GomezMoralesConde, Salvador

    • Remulla, DaphneBradley III, Joel F.Henderson, WinnieLewis, Ronald C.Kreuz, BridgetteBeffa, Lucas R.

    • Pereira, XavierDe Oliveira, PedroTagerman, DanielRomeroVelez, GustavoLiu, RocksonMalcher, Flavio

    • Liu, JingpingOu, Fei

    • Mainprize, MargueriteNetto, Fernando A. C. SpencerSvendrovski, AntonMantke, RenePaasch, Christoph

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