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International Advances in Economic Research ESCI JCR:Q3
发文量 2,413
被引量 5,298
影响因子(2023) 1.059

An Official Publication of the International Atlantic Economic Society, International Advances in Economic Research (IAER), provides the latest research on today's economic policies and tomorrow's economic and financial conditions. The journal recognizes that research conducted in one country often has implications for other countries. Therefore, contributors include economists, financial specialists, and scholars in related disciplines from around the world, creating a multinational cross-fertilization of ideas. Readers will find policy-oriented, empirical, and theoretical research papers in all economic and financial areas, representing a broad range of methodological approaches and schools of thought. In addition to full-length articles, the IAER’s Research Notes section publishes less formal communications that warrant dissemination such as important research in progress. Officially cited as: Int Adv Econ Res This journal is indexed in the Thomson Reuters EMERGING SOURCES CITATION INDEX (WEB OF SCIENCETM CORE COLLECTION) Explores today's economic policies and tomorrow's economic and financial conditions Promotes a multinational cross-fertilization of ideas, with contributors from around the world Publishes policy-oriented, empirical, and theoretical research papers, representing a broad range of methodological approaches and schools of thought

  • 主办单位: SPRINGER
  • 出版地区: United States
  • 出版周期: 季刊
  • 别名: 国际经济研究发展
  • 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 1083-0898
  • 创刊时间: 1995年
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