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Journal of Cleaner Production EI PubMed AJ SCIE 中科院1区
发文量 55,670
被引量 1,872,782
影响因子(2023) 7.760

The Journal of Cleaner Production is an international, transdisciplinary journal focusing on Cleaner Production, Environmental, and Sustainability research and practice. Through our published articles, we aim at helping societies become more sustainable. 'Cleaner Production' is a concept that aims at preventing the production of waste, while increasing efficiencies in the uses of energy, water, resources, and human capital. The Journal of Cleaner Production serves as a platform for addressing and discussing theoretical and practical cleaner production, encompassing environmental, and sustainability issues in corporations, governments, education institutions, regions, and societies. Subject areas include, but are not limited to: Cleaner production and technical processes Sustainable Development and Sustainability Sustainable Consumption Environmental and sustainability assessment Sustainable Products and Services Corporate sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Education for Sustainable Development Governance, legislation, and policy for sustainability For a full list of topics, please have a look here. To ensure homogeneous peer review standards and to help direct authors to the editors with the best expertise to handle their submission, we have launched a family of high-quality gold open access journals that jointly cover the sustainability discipline. Good niche papers may-be redirected from the Journal of Cleaner Production to one of these disciplinary companion journals of the Cleaner brand. Papers that are transferred to these companion journals will be handled by a team expert editors and reviewers providing authors with constructive reviews and well-informed decisions. The Journal of Cleaner Production has the following companion titles: Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy Cleaner and Responsible Consumption Cleaner Chemical Engineering Cleaner Energy Systems Cleaner Engineering and Technology Cleaner Environmental Systems Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain Cleaner Materials Cleaner Production Letters Cleaner Waste Systems

  • 出版周期: 双周刊
  • 别名: 清洁生产杂志
  • 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 0959-6526
  • 创刊时间: 1993年
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