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Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics covers topics of the theory, manufacturing technology, and properties of powder; technology of forming processes; the technology of sintering, heat treatment, and thermo-chemical treatment; properties of sintered materials; and testing methods. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics is a translation of the peer-reviewed Ukrainian journal Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya. Focuses on scientific bases for powder metallurgy and development of new powder and composite materials as well as advanced powder materials and coatings technology Gives special attention to structural non-oxide and functional oxide ceramics Develops topics on nano-disperse state of substance Brings topical publications on physical-chemical and structural study of materials
vol.63 (2024)
vol.62 (2024)
vol.62 (2023)
vol.61 (2023)
vol.61 (2022)
vol.60 (2022)
vol.60 (2021)
vol.59 (2021)
vol.59 (2020)
vol.58 (2020)
vol.58 (2019)
vol.57 (2019)
vol.57 (2018)
vol.56 (2018)
vol.56 (2017)
vol.55 (2017)
vol.55 (2016)
vol.54 (2016)
vol.54 (2015)
vol.53 (2015)
vol.53 (2014)
vol.52 (2014)
vol.52 (2013)
vol.51 (2013)
vol.51 (2012)
vol.50 (2012)
vol.50 (2011)
vol.49 (2011)
vol.49 (2010)
vol.48 (2009)
vol.47 (2008)
vol.46 (2007)
vol.45 (2006)
vol.44 (2005)
vol.43 (2004)
vol.42 (2003)
vol.41 (2002)
vol.40 (2001)
vol.39 (2000)
vol.38 (1999)
vol.37 (1998)
vol.36 (1997)
vol.35 (1996)
vol.34 (1995)
vol.33 (1995)
vol.33 (1994)
vol.32 (1994)
vol.32 (1993)
vol.31 (1992)
vol.30 (1990)
vol.29 (1990)
vol.28 (1989)
vol.27 (1988)
vol.26 (1987)
vol.25 (1986)
vol.24 (1985)
vol.23 (1984)
vol.22 (1983)
vol.21 (1982)
vol.20 (1981)
vol.19 (1980)
vol.18 (1979)
vol.17 (1978)
vol.16 (1977)
vol.15 (1976)
vol.14 (1975)
vol.13 (1974)
vol.12 (1973)
vol.11 (1972)
vol.10 (1971)
vol.9 (1970)
vol.8 (1969)
vol.7 (1968)
vol.6 (1967)
vol.5 (1966)
vol.4 (1965)
vol.3 (1964)
vol.2 (1964)
vol.1 (1962)
Adeeva, L. I.Tunik, A. Yu.Korzhyk, V. M.Strogonov, D. V.Kostin, V. A.Konoreva, O. V.
Zhang, NanMa, PanFang, YachengWan, ShiguangYang, Hong
Korzhyk, V. M.Berdnikova, O. M.Stukhliak, P. D.Kushnarova, O. S.Kolisnichenko, O. V.Skachkov, I. O.Titkov, Ye. P.