
Euphytica PubMed AJ SCIE CA JST JCR:Q2 中科院3区 JCR:Q3
发文量 12,435
被引量 236,589
影响因子(2023) 1.957

Euphytica is an international journal covering the theoretical and applied aspects of plant breeding, and publishing critical reviews and papers on original research. The journal reports on the growing field of research associated with the integration of modern and traditional plant breeding using transgenic crop plants and/or marker assisted breeding in combination with traditional breeding tools. The content addresses the interests of researchers involved in plant breeding at universities, breeding institutes, seed industries, plant biotech companies and industries using plant raw materials, and promoting stability, adaptability and sustainability in agriculture and agro-industries. The Editor-in-Chief of Euphytica is R.G.F. Visser, Laboratory of Plant Breeding, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Peer review is conducted using Editorial Manager®, supported by a database of international experts. This database is shared with two other journals: American Journal of Potato Research, and Potato Research. Covers theoretical and applied aspects of plant breeding Publishes critical reviews and papers on original research Addresses the interests of researchers in academic, research and business settings Editor-in-Chief: R.G.F. Visser, Laboratory of Plant Breeding, Wageningen University, The Netherlands 98% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again

  • 主办单位: SPRINGER
  • 出版地区: Netherlands
  • 出版周期: 连续出版
  • 别名: 荷兰植物育种杂志
  • 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 0014-2336
  • 创刊时间: 1952年
收录汇总 栏目浏览 期刊详情
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    • Vieira Junior, Indalecio CunhaBerchembrock, Yasmin VasquesPadua, Jose Maria Villela

    • de Ubert, Itacir P.Nava, Itamar C.

    • Yilmaz, HilalKaratas, RufayiDemirel, FatihSoysal, SipanTurkoglu, ArasYilmaz, AbdurrahimCiftci, Vahdettin

    • Visser, Richard G. F.

    • Nivethitha, T.Babu, C.Jayamani, P.Vijayalakshmi, D.

    • van Eck, Herman J.

    • Zhang, ChengcaiShao, WeizhongRen, HuadongShen, FengqiangXu, QiangweiChang, JunWang, KailiangYao, Xiaohua

    • Efe, BernaErgun, NamukSancak, Cengiz

    • Kumar, AmitTouthang, LetngamDas, Shankar. P.Krishnappa, R.Pandey, AvinashPrasad, ArvindSingh, Shiv PoojanKaur, SimardeepAochen, C.Verma, Veerendra KumarUmakanta, N.Devi, A. GangaraniVerma, HarendraDevi, E. LamalakshmiHazarika, SamarendraMishra, Vinay Kumar

    • Ranga, Aman DeepVikram, AmitKumar, RameshDogra, Rajesh K.Sharma, RajnishJagannath, Bonde KuldeepRani, Amisha

    • Habde, Sonali VijaySingh, Shravan KumarSingh, Dhirendra KumarSingh, Arun KumarSah, Rameswar PrasadKorada, MounikaKhaire, Amrutlal R.Majhi, Prasanta KumarSingh, Uma MaheshwarSingh, Vikas KumarKumar, Arvind

    • Komura, ShoyaKobayashi, FuminoriOono, YoukoHanda, HirokazuInoue, YoshihiroYoshida, Kentaro

    • Kaplan, MahmutAkcura, MevlutKardes, Yusuf MuratBeyzi, Selma BuyukilicCiftci, BeyzaKokten, Kagan

