
Journal of Texture Studies EI PubMed AJ SCIE 中科院3区 JCR:Q2
发文量 2,790
被引量 53,346
影响因子(2023) 3.399

The Journal of Texture Studies is a fully peer-reviewed international journal specialized in the physics, physiology, and psychology of food oral processing, with an emphasis on the food texture and structure, sensory perception and mouth-feel, food oral behaviour, food liking and preference. The journal was first published in 1969 and has been the primary source for disseminating advances in knowledge on all of the sciences that relate to food texture. In recent years, Journal of Texture Studies has expanded its coverage to a much broader range of texture research and continues to publish high quality original and innovative experimental-based (including numerical analysis and simulation) research concerned with all aspects of eating and food preference. Journal of Texture Studies welcomes research articles, research notes, reviews, discussion papers, and communications from contributors of all relevant disciplines. Some key coverage areas/topics include (but not limited to): • Physical, mechanical, and micro-structural principles of food texture • Oral physiology • Psychology and brain responses of eating and food sensory • Food texture design and modification for specific consumers • In vitro and in vivo studies of eating and swallowing • Novel technologies and methodologies for the assessment of sensory properties • Simulation and numerical analysis of eating and swallowing

  • 主办单位: WILEY
  • 出版地区: United States
  • 出版周期: 双月刊
  • 别名: 纺织研究杂志
  • 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 0022-4901
  • 创刊时间: 1969年
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    • Teoman, BaranVandeven, MarkEsposito, JonathanDogoIsonagie, CajetanPotanin, Andrei

    • Schochat, Philipp R.Lepp, LinaKarbstein, Heike P.Leister, Nico

    • Velopoulos, IoannisDimopoulou, MariaChen, JiansheRitzoulis, Christos

    • Rosenthal, Andrew J.

    • Zhou, XiaoruiJiang, YingYoussef, MahmoudTeng, YongxinLi, JingLi, BinZhan, Fuchao

    • VilleneuveRheaume, AnnieGagnon, CynthiaGermain, IsabelleCote, Claudia

    • Pang, ZhihuaBourouis, ImaneLi, MengfeiChen, CunsheLiu, Xinqi

