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Fish Physiology and Biochemistry (FISH) is an international journal publishing original research papers and reviews on all physiological aspects of fishes. The Editorial Board of FISH gives a high priority to mechanistic studies in the field of fish physiology, from an environmental and evolutionary perspective. All levels of biological organization are considered, from molecular to whole organismal one. Emphasis should be given to functional understanding and links between physiological/biochemical traits and evolutionary history as well as ecology and environmental plasticity of fish species. Except in specific cases, purely descriptive papers are not considered for peer-reviewing and publication in FISH. The following areas will be given preference, but other topics will be given consideration: Reproductive physiology and endocrinology Nutritional physiology and metabolism Osmotic, ionic, respiratory and excretory homeostasis Nerve and muscle physiology Bioenergetics and growth physiology Stress and welfare physiology Neuro-Immune-endocrine interactions Physiological responses of fish to toxicants under environmentally relevant scenarios FISH receives many more manuscripts than it can publish. As a consequence, the publication rate averages 25% of the submitted manuscripts. Categories of articles include full papers, brief communications, unsolicited and invited reviews, and editorial comments and announcements. Why publish in FISH? The journal’s diverse and international editorial board includes representation across many sub-specialties of research The journal welcomes authors to collaborate and contribute to special thematic issues and topical supplements for consideration FISH encourages authors to submit experimental work in biochemistry and structure of organisms, organs, tissues, and cells; nutritional, osmotic, ionic, respiratory and excretory homeostasis, and more FISH is ranked as #18 of 54 journals in the Clarivate category of Fisheries and #39 of 81 journals in Physiology; the journal’s impact factor is 3.014
vol.50 (2024)
vol.49 (2023)
vol.48 (2022)
vol.47 (2021)
vol.46 (2020)
vol.45 (2019)
vol.44 (2018)
vol.43 (2017)
vol.42 (2016)
vol.41 (2015)
vol.40 (2014)
vol.39 (2013)
vol.38 (2012)
vol.37 (2011)
vol.36 (2010)
vol.35 (2009)
vol.34 (2008)
vol.33 (2007)
vol.32 (2006)
vol.31 (2005)
vol.30 (2004)
vol.29 (2003)
vol.28 (2003)
vol.27 (2002)
vol.26 (2002)
vol.25 (2001)
vol.24 (2001)
vol.23 (2000)
vol.22 (2000)
vol.21 (1999)
vol.20 (1999)
vol.19 (1998)
vol.18 (1998)
vol.17 (1997)
vol.16 (1997)
vol.15 (1996)
vol.14 (1995)
vol.13 (1994)
vol.12 (1994)
vol.12 (1993)
vol.11 (1993)
vol.10 (1993)
vol.10 (1992)
vol.9 (1992)
vol.9 (1991)
vol.8 (1990)
vol.7 (1989)
vol.6 (1989)
vol.5 (1988)
vol.4 (1988)
vol.4 (1987)
vol.3 (1987)
vol.2 (1986)
vol.1 (1986)
da Silva, Hugo Napoleao PereiraDornelles, Juan LameiraBandeira Junior, GuerinoBarany, Andreda Silva, Lenise Vargas FloresMourao, Rosa Helena VerasBaldissera, Matheus DellameaMilarch, Carine de FreitasPortela, Valerio MarquesMartinezRodriguez, GonzaloMancera, Juan MiguelMartosSitcha, Juan AntonioBaldisserotto, Bernardo
Adjoumani, JeanJacques YaoAbasubong, Kenneth PrudenceZhang, LingLiu, WenBinLi, XiangFeiDesouky, Hesham Eed
Wang, PingYan, XianfangZhang, XiaotianZhu, ZilinXu, QinglaiHou, JingjingChen, JunGisbert, EnricZhou, Jishu