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Toxicon: X PubMed JCR:Q2
发文量 44
被引量 0

Toxicon: X is the open access companion journal of Toxicon and has the same aims and scope, editorial board and peer-review process. Toxicon: X offers authors with high-quality research who want to publish in a gold open access journal the opportunity to make their work immediately, permanently, and freely accessible. Toxicon: X authors will pay an article publishing charge (APC), have a choice of license options, and retain copyright. Please check the APC on the journal home page. NEW: To continue our support to the journal and the community we are offering a partial Open Access fee waiver - all papers accepted until the end of 2022 will be published with a 50% discount. The journal is indexed in Scopus and DOAJ. For more information please refer to our FAQs for authors Toxicon's "aims and scope" are to publish: articles containing the results of original research on problems related to toxins derived from animals, plants and microorganisms papers on novel findings related to the chemical, pharmacological, toxicological, and immunological properties of natural toxins molecular biological studies of toxins and other genes from poisonous and venomous organisms that advance understanding of the role or function of toxins clinical observations on poisoning and envenoming where a new therapeutic principle has been proposed or a decidedly superior clinical result has been obtained. material on the use of toxins as tools in studying biological processes and material on subjects related to venom and antivenom problems. articles on the translational application of toxins, for example as drugs and insecticides epidemiological studies on envenoming or poisoning, so long as they highlight a previously unrecognised medical problem or provide insight into the prevention or medical treatment of envenoming or poisoning. Retrospective surveys of hospital records, especially those lacking species identification, will not be considered for publication. Properly designed prospective community-based surveys are strongly encouraged. articles describing well-known activities of venoms, such as antibacterial, anticancer, and analgesic activities of arachnid venoms, without any attempt to define the mechanism of action or purify the active component, will not be considered for publication in Toxicon. review articles on problems related to toxinology. To encourage the exchange of ideas, sections of the journal may be devoted to Short Communications, Letters to the Editor and activities of the affiliated societies. Toxicon strives to publish articles that are current and of broad interest and importance to the toxinology research community. Emphasis will be placed upon articles that further the understanding and knowledge of toxinology. Types of paper Full-Length Research Papers: Articles containing the results of original research on problems related to toxins derived from animals, plants and microorganisms. Short Communications: Short communications differ from full manuscripts only in that the research study does not lend itself to an extended presentation. Even though brief, the Short communication should represent a complete, coherent and self contained study. The quality of Short Communications is expected to be as good as that of full articles, and both full articles and Short communications will be refereed in an identical manner. The form is identical to that for a full article except that the report should not be divided into Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. An abstract of not more than 75 words should be provided. The Short Communication may not be longer than five double-spaced typewritten pages (not including references, tables and figures) and should include not more than two tables of two figures or one of each. Letters to the Editor: These may be published if judged by the Editor to be of interest to the broad field of toxinology or of special significance to a smaller group of workers in a specialized field of toxinology. They should be headed `Letter to the Editor' which should be followed by a title for the communication. Names of authors and affiliations should be at the end of the letter. Announcements: Toxiconwill only accept for publication announcements of great interest to toxinologists, such as notices of relevant meetings and symposia and activities of the International Society of Toxinology, The Brazilian Society of Toxinology, and the North American Society of Toxinology. Reviews and mini-Reviews: Toxicon will publish reviews and mini-reviews on topics of interest to toxinologists. Suggestions for reviews or mini-reviews can be made at any time to the Editor-in-Chief or the relevant Associate Editor. In addition, articles of significant broad interest to toxinologists that are published in journals other than Toxicon may be abstracted in the Reviews section of Toxicon. Readers who feel that a particular article or book should be abstracted in this section are encouraged to bring their opinion to the attention of one of the Editor-in-Chief. Clinical reports: Toxicon will publish clinical reports on poisoning or envenoming where a new therapeutic principle has been proposed or a decidedly superior clinical result has been established. Please consult the Clinical Reports Guidelines

  • 主办单位: ELSEVIER
  • 出版周期: 季刊
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