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Elsevier's e-Prime – Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy is a new open-access, rapid turn-around, journal which publishes multidisciplinary papers from all areas of applied electronics, electrical engineering and energy. Focus is on high-quality research that is relevant and accessible to a global audience of scientists, practitioners, policy-makers and NGO's. Scope: Elsevier's e-Prime publishes research papers covering all aspects of electronics, electrical engineering and energy, ranging from systems engineering to power generation, semiconductors to infrastructure as well as other specializations that overlap e.g. hardware engineering, power electronics, nanotechnology, solar power and signal processing. Papers covering applications of AI, IOT, sensors, and the implementation of other technologies to the field are welcome. As an open access journal all submitted manuscripts will undergo a rapid but rigorous peer review and after acceptance, a publication fee of USD 1400 is charged to cover all editorial, production, and archiving costs. Note: These prices are currently waived. All published articles will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. The wide spectrum of subjects includes all areas of electronics, electrical engineering, and energy, including: Energy conversion, sustainable energy, power and energy systems Electrical power applications, power systems and delivery Signal Processing, lightwave technology, image processing Wireless communication and smart grid Systems mechatronics, software engineering, relatability, pattern analysis Computer networks, and integrated systems Semiconductors, nano-technologies, optoelectronics, photovoltaics and other electronic components Power electronics and their applications Control systems technology, Control engineering Consumer, industrial, automotive, aerospace, and medical electronics Circuits and systems All energy applications ranging including solar, wind, water and nuclear Quality, reliability and safety analysis Applications of AI to electronics and energy development and implementation