
FlatChem ESCI SCIE 中科院3区 JCR:Q1 JCR:Q2
发文量 76
被引量 0

FlatChem - Chemistry of Flat Materials, a new voice in the community, publishes original and significant, cutting-edge research related to the chemistry of graphene and related 2D & layered materials. The overall aim of the journal is to combine the chemistry and applications of these materials, where the submission of communications, full papers, and concepts should contain chemistry in a materials context, which can be both experimental and/or theoretical. In addition to original research articles, FlatChem also offers reviews, minireviews, highlights and perspectives on the future of this research area with the scientific leaders in fields related to Flat Materials. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: Design, synthesis, applications and investigation of graphene, graphene related materials and other 2D & layered materials (for example Silicene, Germanene, Phosphorene, MXenes, Boron nitride, Transition metal dichalcogenides) Characterization of these materials using all forms of spectroscopy and microscopy techniques Chemical modification or functionalization and dispersion of these materials, as well as interactions with other materials Exploring the surface chemistry of these materials for applications in: Sensors or detectors in electrochemical/Lab on a Chip devices, Composite materials, Membranes, Environment technology, Catalysis for energy storage and conversion (for example fuel cells, supercapacitors, batteries, hydrogen storage), Biomedical technology (drug delivery, biosensing, bioimaging)

  • 主办单位: ELSEVIER
  • 出版地区: Netherlands
  • 出版周期: 双月刊
  • 别名: 平面材料化学
  • 创刊时间: 2016年
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