
Applications in Energy and Combustion Science ESCI
发文量 126
被引量 0

A sister journal of Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Applications in Energy and Combustion Science provides a forum for information on research, development, and innovation in areas relevant to applications using combustion and other forms of chemical energy conversion. The journal targets contributions to the generalizable understanding that can be gained from studies of applications and devices, and articulations of the transition of fundamental understanding to design, improvement, and integration of actual applications and devices. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science is also concerned with relevant fuels research, unconventional chemical energy conversion systems, aftertreatment, system and life-cycle analysis, and aspects of energy policy. Authors are specifically encouraged to submit manuscripts bridging the gaps between fundamental research and application while addressing these topics. The journal publishes short communications, full length original research articles, and review articles. The review articles are by invitation of the editors only. All articles are Gold Open Access, which ensures easy and free access worldwide and especially also for interested parties from the commercial sector.

  • 主办单位: Elsevier
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A sister journal of Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Applications in Energy and Combustion Science provides a forum for information on research, development, and innovation in areas relevant to applications using combustion and other forms of chemical energy conversion. The journal targets contributions to the generalizable understanding that can be gained from studies of applications and devices, and articulations of the transition of fundamental understanding to design, improvement, and integration of actual applications and devices. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science is also concerned with relevant fuels research, unconventional chemical energy conversion systems, aftertreatment, system and life-cycle analysis, and aspects of energy policy. Authors are specifically encouraged to submit manuscripts bridging the gaps between fundamental research and application while addressing these topics. The journal publishes short communications, full length original research articles, and review articles. The review articles are by invitation of the editors only. All articles are Gold Open Access, which ensures easy and free access worldwide and especially also for interested parties from the commercial sector.



