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IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information EI PubMed AJ SCIE 中科院4区 JCR:Q3 JCR:Q2
发文量 1,652
被引量 11,347
影响因子(2023) 1.083

The Journal is to provide an outlet for papers which are original and of high quality in mathematical control theory, systems theory, and applied information sciences. Short papers and mathematical correspondence or technical notes will be welcome, although the primary function of the journal is to publish papers of substantial length and coverage. The emphasis will be upon relevance, originality and clarify of presentation, although timeliness may well be an important feature in acceptable papers. Speculative papers that suggest new avenues for research or potential solutions to unsolved problems of control and information theory will be particularly welcome. Specific application papers will not normally be within the remit of the journal. Applications that illustrate techniques or theories will be acceptable. A prime function of the journal is to encourage the interplay between control and information theory and other mathematical sciences. All submitted papers will be judged on their merits by at least two referees and a full paper report will be available to the intending authors. Submitted articles will in general be published in an issue within six months of submission. Papers should not have previously published, nor should they be undes consideration for publication in another journal. This Journal takes publication ethics very seriously. If misconduct is found or suspected after the manuscript is published, the journal will investigate the matter and this may result in the article subsequently being retracted.

  • 出版地区: United Kingdom
  • 出版周期: 季刊
  • 别名: 数学控制与信息杂志
  • 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 0265-0754
  • 创刊时间: 1984年
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The Journal is to provide an outlet for papers which are original and of high quality in mathematical control theory, systems theory, and applied information sciences. Short papers and mathematical correspondence or technical notes will be welcome, although the primary function of the journal is to publish papers of substantial length and coverage. The emphasis will be upon relevance, originality and clarify of presentation, although timeliness may well be an important feature in acceptable papers. Speculative papers that suggest new avenues for research or potential solutions to unsolved problems of control and information theory will be particularly welcome. Specific application papers will not normally be within the remit of the journal. Applications that illustrate techniques or theories will be acceptable. A prime function of the journal is to encourage the interplay between control and information theory and other mathematical sciences. All submitted papers will be judged on their merits by at least two referees and a full paper report will be available to the intending authors. Submitted articles will in general be published in an issue within six months of submission. Papers should not have previously published, nor should they be undes consideration for publication in another journal. This Journal takes publication ethics very seriously. If misconduct is found or suspected after the manuscript is published, the journal will investigate the matter and this may result in the article subsequently being retracted.



