
Updates in Surgery PubMed SCIE JST JCR:Q1 中科院3区
发文量 1,845
被引量 15,573
影响因子(2023) 2.516

UPDATES in Surgery (UPIS) is an international journal dedicated to the art of surgical sciences. It provides a valuable synopsis of the most noteworthy developments in surgical techniques. In addition to its focus on general surgery, the journal places special attention on cutting edge topics and emerging surgical fields as well as monothematic issues guest edited by well-known experts. The journal regularly publishes editorials, systematic reviews, original articles, technical notes and Letters to the Editor. UPIS is the official journal of the Italian Society of Surgery and presents the best of Italian surgical works in continuous collaboration with the international surgical community. The main purpose of the journal is to encourage a rigorous debate and a continuous refinement of the standards of care. In addition, · UPIS’ accepted articles are published online within two weeks of acceptance · UPIS’ articles are peer reviewed by at least two renowned surgeons who are experts in their field · UPIS’ articles benefit from an online platform that encourages article sharing and posting on social media · We encourage you to follow UPIS on Twitter (@UpdatesSurgery; https://twitter.com/UpdatesSurgery) Provide valuable updates on the most recent developments of surgical techniques Forces the community of surgeons to a rigorous debate and a continuous refinement of the standards of care Online publication within 2 weeks after acceptance

  • 出版周期: 双月刊
  • 别名: 外科学进展
  • 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 2038-131X
  • 创刊时间: 1947年
  • 曾用名: Chirurgia italiana
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  • 主管单位:--
  • 主  编:Ugo Boggi,Fulvio Calise
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UPDATES in Surgery (UPIS) is an international journal dedicated to the art of surgical sciences. It provides a valuable synopsis of the most noteworthy developments in surgical techniques. In addition to its focus on general surgery, the journal places special attention on cutting edge topics and emerging surgical fields as well as monothematic issues guest edited by well-known experts. The journal regularly publishes editorials, systematic reviews, original articles, technical notes and Letters to the Editor. UPIS is the official journal of the Italian Society of Surgery and presents the best of Italian surgical works in continuous collaboration with the international surgical community. The main purpose of the journal is to encourage a rigorous debate and a continuous refinement of the standards of care. In addition, · UPIS’ accepted articles are published online within two weeks of acceptance · UPIS’ articles are peer reviewed by at least two renowned surgeons who are experts in their field · UPIS’ articles benefit from an online platform that encourages article sharing and posting on social media · We encourage you to follow UPIS on Twitter (@UpdatesSurgery; https://twitter.com/UpdatesSurgery) Provide valuable updates on the most recent developments of surgical techniques Forces the community of surgeons to a rigorous debate and a continuous refinement of the standards of care Online publication within 2 weeks after acceptance



