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SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization EI PubMed AJ SCIE JCR:Q1 JCR:Q2 中科院2区
发文量 5,228
被引量 147,794
影响因子(2023) 2.110

SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) publishes original research articles on the mathematics and applications of control theory and certain parts of optimization theory. Papers considered for publication must be significant at both the mathematical level and the level of applications or potential applications. Papers containing mostly routine mathematics or those with no discernible connection to control and systems theory or optimization will not be considered for publication. From time to time, the journal will also publish authoritative surveys of important subject areas in control theory and optimization whose level of maturity permits a clear and unified exposition. The broad areas mentioned above are intended to encompass a wide range of mathematical techniques and scientific, engineering, economic, and industrial applications. These include stochastic and deterministic methods in control, estimation, and identification of systems; modeling and realization of complex control systems; the numerical analysis and related computational methodology of control processes and allied issues; and the development of mathematical theories and techniques that give new insights into old problems or provide the basis for further progress in control theory and optimization. Within the field of optimization, the journal focuses on the parts that are relevant to dynamic and control systems. Contributions to numerical methodology are also welcome in accordance with these aims, especially as related to large-scale problems and decomposition as well as to fundamental questions of convergence and approximation.

  • 出版地区: United States
  • 出版周期: 双月刊
  • 别名: 工业与应用数学学会控制与优化杂志
  • 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 0363-0129
  • 创刊时间: 1962年
  • 曾用名: SIAM journal on control
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